For Emergencies Dial 911
Dispatch: (405) 527-4600
Jail: (405) 527-1961
Office: (405) 527-2141
James started his law enforcement career in 1992. He has spent his entire career in McClain County, serving the citizens of the county. James has held various positions within his career, but his focus has always been to help people and keep them safe. James holds an Advanced CLEET Certification and also is a Nationally Registered EMR.
James grew up in Dibble, Oklahoma, and graduated from Word of Life Academy. James currently serves as a Major in the Dibble Volunteer Fire Department and has been a Volunteer Fire Fighter for 25 years. He also holds a part-time position with the Town of Dibble as the Director of Public Works and has been with them for 14 years.
James is married to his childhood sweetheart, Tamara, and just recently celebrated their 31st Anniversary. He met Tamara at Word of Life Church in Dibble, where he attended as a child and currently is the longest standing member of the church. They have three children and three grandchildren. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, cruising, and spending time with his grandchildren.