For Emergencies Dial 911
Dispatch: (405) 527-4600
Jail: (405) 527-1961
Office: (405) 527-2141
The men and women of the McClain County Sheriffs Office are committed to enhance the quality of life and lessen the criminal fears of all citizens.
Utilizing the authority and safeguards of the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms cited in the Bill of Rights, the laws and statutes of the State of Oklahoma we, the members of the McClain County Sheriff's Office, will work cooperatively with all segments of the general public and government to provide a safe environment and preserve the peace.
This partnership is drawn on the premise that our product is one of service to all citizens with a special focus toward solving real and perceived problems within the community. Our remedies and resources shall be from all levels of government working in concert to accomplish our desired goals. This, as an office of, and on behalf of the people of the County, we obligate ourselves toward becoming a catalyst for positive interaction between all services and function of the County.
A society free from crime disorder remains idealistic; nevertheless, consistent with the values of a free society, it is the primary objective of the McClain County Sheriff's Office to as closely as possible approach that ideal. In so doing, the Office's role is to enforce the law fairly and impartially, recognizing both the statutory and judicial limitations of police authority and the constitutional rights of all persons. It is not the role of the Office to legislate, to render legal judgments, or to punish.