ATTENTION REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS: Sex Offender Registrations are completed BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Appointments are only set for Tuesdays and Thursdays. You must call 405.527.2141 during normal business hours to schedule your next appointment.
121 N. 2nd Ave.
Purcell, OK 73080

For Emergencies Dial 911
Dispatch: (405) 527-4600
Jail: (405) 527-1961
Office: (405) 527-2141

Inmate Visitation & Mail Services

Inmate Visitation

All visitation at the McClain County Sheriff's Office is conducted by video.

As a courtesy, the McClain County Sheriff's Office provides a video kiosk in the lobby of the Sheriff's Office. Visitation is limited to 10 minutes per visitor per day. Visitors must call ahead and follow ALL visitation guidelines.

If not coming to the Sheriff's Office, you may visit with an inmate using the City Tele Coin app. Video visitations are monitored and visitors MUST follow visitor guidelines. Visitors that are found to violate these guidelines, will have their visitation privileges suspended.

Video Visitation

city tele coin

All Visitation services are provided by City Tele Coin.

To register for a direct pay account visit

After your account has been created you can download the City Tele Coin app from iTunes or Google Play.

To video chat and send emails using the app or the City Tele Coin website, select the facility to set up a remote account for the inmate.

City TeleCoin on the Apple Store   City TeleCoin on Google Play

Visitor Guidelines

Visitors must be at least 18 years of age or have their parent or legal guardian present.

Visitors must comply with the visitors dress code which will be as follows:

Persons violating this dress code will not be allowed to visit. Inappropriate activity sexual or criminal in nature will result in termination of remote visitation, and the visitor may be banned from future visits.

Persons who have been incarcerated in this detention center will not be allowed to visit any inmate for a period of six months after their release date.

Inmate Mail Policy

All incoming and outgoing mail must have First and Last name and full address of both the sender and the recipient on the envelope.

Inmate mail may be sent to:

McClain County Sheriff's Office
Inmate's Name
121 N. 2nd Ave.
Purcell, OK 73080

Inmates may also receive items sent from 3rd parties

Persons who have been incarcerated in this detention center will not be allowed to correspond with any inmate for a period of six months after their release date. If you wish to correspond with currently incarcerated inmates it must be approved by the Detention Center Administrator.

Normal mail rules still apply, and content violation may prevent delivery of the item to the inmate.

Prohibited material include: